Past Paper Computer science and software engineering Web Technologies Data Structure and Algorithm Data Structure and Algorithm Data Structure and Algorithm Discrete Structures Professional practices in IT (PPIT) Digital logic design (DLD) Data communications and computer networks Mobile application development ICT Visual programming Communication skills Discrete Mathematics Electricity magnetism and optics Linear algebra Operating system Computer Architecture Corpus Linguistics Electricity magnetism and optics Intro to Bio Informatics Machine learning Research Methodology Software engineering concepts Testing and Evaluation Introduction to Bioinformatics Communication skills Scripting languages Pak Studies Software testing Object oriented software engineering Artificial intelligence Machine learning Database I M&AL Sociology Intro to Bio Informatics Design and analysis of algorithm English comprehension and composition Introduction to Computing Programming fundamental Sociology Software project management Theory of automata Pakistan Study Software project management Differential equations Human computer interaction(HCI) Numerical Computing Theory of automata Programming fundamental English comprehension and composition Database II Multivariable calculus Software quality engineering Applied Physics for engineer Electric circuit analysis Human resource management ITCP Software project management Visual programming Report writing skills Calculus Software engineering concepts Design and analysis of algorithm Intro to management Electric circuit analysis Applied Physics for engineer Complier construction Human resource management Object oriented programming (OOP) Software requirement engineering Artificial intelligence Discrete Structures Human computer interaction(HCI) Game Development Operating system Wireless & Mobile Computing Financial Accounting Introduction to Management Management sciences Department Stitistical Inference Management theory and practice Operation management Advance microeconomics past paper International Financial Management Macro Economics Monetary Econmics Communication skills Business Mathematics and statistics Managerial accounting Corporate law Business Mathematics and statistics Introduction to statistics Operation management Pakistan study Human resource management Economics of environmental and natural resource Corporate governance Cost accounting Intro to management Management theory and practice Business Law Cost accounting Advance microeconomics Introduction to statistics Digital logic design (DLD) Economics of environmental and natural resource Managerial accounting Scripting languages Humanity Department Past paper Academic Reading and Writing Classical& Neo-Classical Poetry LFM Modern Critical Theory Postcolonial Literature Literary forms and movement Business English 18th & 19th century Novel Classics in Drama International Relations Language Skills Pak Studies Research Methodology American Literature Communication skills Active Citizen Communication skills Introduction to Anthropology Phonetics and Phonology Report writing skills Call Classical Poetry History of the US Introduction to Linguistic Introduction to Philosophy Romantic and Victorian Introduction to Computing Testing and Evaluation Mathematics Past Paper Differential equations Differential equations Mathematical Statistics Stitistical Inference Analytical Number theory Functional Analysis Set Topology Electricity and magnetism Numerical Computing Abstract algebra Discrete Mathematics Multivariable calculus Analytical dynamics Graph Theory Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Partial Differential Equations Introduction to Computing Chinese Pakistan study Introduction to Fiction and Nonfiction Soil Pollution and Decontamination Numerical Computing differentia geometry Algorithm calculus III Set theory and logics Introduction to computer programming Linear algebra Statistics and probability theory Complex analysis Real Analysis II Mechanics-I ICP Calculus 1 Communication skills Algorithm Environmental Science Past Paper Fundamental of Biology