
Classical& Neo-Classical Poetry past paper

Classical& Neo-Classical Poetry past/Previous question paper

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-Classical-neo-classical-poetry –English all subject past paper  –Algorithm Course -Classical-neo-classical-poetry  idea -Classical-neo-classical-poetry  MCQ -Classical-neo-classical-poetry Interview Question  –English all courses -Technology –University Past PaperQuestion paperPast paper

Classical& Neo-Classical Poetry question Paper in 2019

DIRECTION: Be Brief and Relevant


Q.1 How Paradise Lost by John Milton is an example of grand epic poetry? Explain it examples from the poem (10)

Q2 How does Milton construct the image of Satan? What kind of leader does he emerge? Explain in reference to his expulsion from heaven (10)

Q3 Explain the given phrases/terms by recalling the texts of Paradise Lost (12)

a. Sulphurous Hail b. Arch-fiend

C. The mind is its own place

d. Whom Thunder hath made greater

e. Ways of God to man

f. He trusted to have equal the most High B

Q.4 Why the character of “Wife of Bath” by Chaucer is so relevant today? (8)

Q.5 Read the given stanza by Spenser and explain it in detail by paying special attention to the

phrases in BOLD (10)

New Year forth looking out of Janus’ Gate,

Doth seem to promise Hope of new Delight,

And bidding th’ old adieu,his passed Date

Bids all old Thoughts to die in dumpish Spright.

#Classical-neo-classical-poetry # English all subject past paper  #Algorithm Course #Classical-neo-classical-poetry  idea #Classical-neo-classical-poetry  MCQ #Classical-neo-classical-poetry  Interview Question  #English all courses #Technology #University Past Paper #Question paper #Past paper

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