English comprehension all previous/ past question papers
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English comprehension and composition Fall 21 in final paper
Question No. 1. Write short answers of the following questiona
a. Define noun and write any two types of noun.
b. Define reflexive pronoun and give one example.
c. Define adverb and enlist any types of adverb.
d. Enlist any four types of business correspondence,
e. Define job application and write two types of job application
Question No. 2.
Define listening and explain kinds of listening in detail.
Question No. 3.
Define speaking and explain purpose of speaking in detai
Question No. 4.
Define reading and explain principles of reading in detail
Question No. 5.
Write a detailed note on rules of effective writing.
English comprehension and composition Sessional I in past paper
Q1: Write a paragraph on any ONE of the following topics (300-500 words).
- The cate
- Mercy
- Rivers
- Cricket
Q2: Change the voice (active/passive) of the following.
- The cat killed the mouse.
- The boy was bitten by a dog.
- The boy made a kite.
- The ship was burned.
- The thief was caught.
- He is loved by all.
- The sudden noise frightened the horse.
- The young man made a disturbance at the meeting.
- The captive was bound to a tree.
- We compelled the enemy to surrender.
Q3: In the following sentences, separator the subject and the predicate.
- The cackling of geese saved Rome.
- The body stood on the burning deck.
- Tubal Cain was a man of might.
- Stone walls do not make a prison.
- The singing of the birds delights us.
- Miss kitty was rude at the table one day.
- He has a good memory.
- Bad habits grow unconsciously.
- Edison invented the phonograph.
- We cannot pump the ocean dry.
English comprehension and composition sessional II in past paper
Question No. 1. Write short answers of the following questions. (2×5=10)
sentences? Give 1 example for each.
- Write down the kinds of sentences.
- What is the function of imperative and exclamatory
(2) c. Write a short note on adjective and its degrees. (2)
- Differentiate hearing and listening (2)
- Change the voice of the following: 1. Why did the police catch the boy? (1)
- The truth is spoken by him. (1)
Question No. 2.
Write a comprehensive note on punctuation marks and their use with relevant examples (10)
English comprehension and composition Final paper
Question No.1
Correct the following sentences (1×5-05)
The purpose of there visit was political.
The types of information are quiet different.
Two and two makes four.
She is working in this office since 2009. He is my big brother. (v)
Change the voice of the following sentences (1×5-05)
Open the window. The car is being washed by Al
She wrote a letter.
I cannot do this work.
Write the one word substitution of the following
A place where one lives permanently The act of intentionally killing oneself
A woman whose spouse is dead
A geometrical figure with eight sides
Attempt any three. (Marks: 3×12=36)
Question No. 2 Write a comprehensive note on SQ3R’S in writing skill.
Question No. 3 What is “Précis” and what are rules of Précis writing give your answer in detail.
Question No. 4 Write a detailed note on Presentation Skills. Question No. 5 what is the importance of Business Writing and what are rules to convey
good news and bad news.
Final fall21

Question No. 1. Write short answers of the following questions.
a. What are the four main parts of sentence? (2×5-10)
b. Define modifier and give an example.
c. What are the four main objectives of listening? d. What are the four main steps in active listening process?
e. Define narrative essay and give an example.
SUBJECTIVE (Marks: 10)
Question No. 2.
Define reading, discuss types of reading in detail and give examples.
# English comprehension #Computer Science all subject past paper #English comprehension # English comprehension with source code #English comprehension idea -English comprehension MCQ #English comprehension Interview Question #Computer Science all courses #Technology –University Past Paper #Programming language #Question paper #old paper