
Corporate law past paper

Corporate law past/Previous question paper

Corporate law Sessional I 2020 question paper

– Corporate law –Computer Science all subject past paper  – Corporate law  with source code – Corporate law  Course – Corporate law  idea -Corporate law  MCQ – Corporate law Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paperold paper

Question No. 1

Discuss about judicial system of Pakistan?   (5)

Question No. 2

  • Senate (2.5)
  • National Assembly (2.5)

Question No.3

  • Definition of Law (2)
  • Needs of Law (2)
  • Corporate Law (2)
  • Definition of law according to Sir John Salmond? What you know about Sir John Salmond?                                                        (3)
  • Why does Law exist? (1)

Sessional I in 2019

Question No. 1

Discuss various types of contract?                (5)

Question No. 2

Differentiate between:

  1. Void agreement and void contract (2)
  2. Void agreement and illegal agreement (2)
  3. Void agreement and voidable contract (2)

Question No.3

  1. Define contract of sale of goods? State the essentials of the valid contract (5)

Question No.4

Discuss about these:

  1. What is sale? (1)
  2. What is an agreement to sell? (1)
  3. Define the term goods? (1)
  4. How many types of goods are there? (1)

# Corporate law #Computer Science all subject past paper  #Corporate law # Corporate law Course  #Corporate law idea -Corporate law MCQ #Corporate law Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology –University Past Paper #Programming language #Question paper #old paper

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