
Education for Leadership

What is Education?

  • Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits.
  • The process of giving or receiving systematic instructions about something is called education.
  • According to Albert Einstine: “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of mind to think”.
  • According to Aristotle: “the education is an ornament of prosperity and a refuge in adversity”.

What is Leadership?

  • Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.
  • Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.

Types of Leadership

All leaders have a unique style that sets them apart from others.

1.Autocratic leadership

A leader who has complete control over his team is called an autocratic leader. They never bend their beliefs and rules for anyone. Additionally, their team has no say in the business decisions. Moreover, the team is expected to follow the path directed by the leader.

2. Laissez-Faire leadership

Laissez-Faire is derived from a French word that means ‘allow to do’.

“The practice of non-interference in the affairs of others, especially with reference to individual conduct or freedom of action,’

In this type of leadership, team members have the freedom to perform their job according to their will. They are given the freedom to bring in their perspective and intelligence in performing business functions.

3. Democratic leadership

In this type of leadership, team members and leaders equally contribute to actualising business goals. Furthermore, they work together and motivate each other to achieve their personal goals too. This type of leadership leads to a positive working environment.

4. Bureaucratic leadership

In this type of leadership, leaders strictly adhere to organisational rules and policies. They make sure that their team members do the same. Bureaucratic leaders are often organised and self-motivated.

Qualities of Great Educational Leaders

1. Innovative

An innovative leader is not afraid to implement new ideas and take risks. Without the belief that failure is an essential component of real success, a school can never reach its full potential.

2. Confident

Confidence is contagious. With the right amount of confidence leading a school, staff and students are guaranteed to follow suit, inspired by the portrayal of inner strength and fearlessness that says: “I can achieve anything.”

3. Collaborative

A great leader knows that success comes only through effective collaboration. By including staff-members in decision-making, and confiding in teachers for ideas, suggestions, and support, an idea can become a movement.

4. Creative

A creative mind sees the world differently. A great leader will imagine new possibilities, and visualize new ideas in everything that they do. This inspires others to think in the same way, building a school full of original thinkers, visionaries, and leaders.

5. Open-minded

A great leader knows the importance of being open-minded, allowing others to experiment with new methods, investing in new technology, and developing a growth mindset. Building a team based on openness, students are never denied an opportunity to excel.

6. Lifelong learner

Every great educational leader sees themselves as a lifelong learner with a growth mindset. Leading by example, a lifelong learner encourages learning in all aspects of life, as something fun, stimulating, and empowering.

7. Proactive

All leaders need to be proactive. Without waiting for things to get done, a great leader will take control and make it happen. By getting staff-members on board and building a combined attitude of pro-activeness, there’s no telling what your school could achieve.

8. Motivational

As a role-model for both staff and students, an educational leader needs that motivational attitude that drives change, difference, and optimism. This encourages a school body to stretch towards every goal, giving 100% in every single challenge.

9. Positive

A positive atmosphere tends to cling to the school walls, encouraging staff and students to uphold this joyful ambiance at all costs. While an educational leader does need to display strength and authority, this doesn’t have to come at the expense of positivity. By instilling a positive school atmosphere, a brighter outlook will prevail, no matter how dark the walls.

10. Different

A great leader knows that to create your own success, you need to first discover what makes you unique. By promoting difference as something to be celebrated, students are encouraged to stand out, be original, challenge convention, and not to fear the judgement of others.

How Do Teachers Contribute to Educational Leadership?

According to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), teachers are the foundation of educational leadership. They not only manage students, but also act as leaders among their colleagues. Specifically, teachers are resource providers that help students and other teachers find online and community resources. They provide valuable classroom management and teaching strategies to other teachers. They also provide educational leaders with constructive feedback for curriculum improvements.

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