Counting sort is a type of Linear Time Sort
- Counting Sort was invented by H.H.Seward in 1954
- All the sorting algorithms introduced so far share an interesting property: the sorted order they determine is based only on comparison between the input elements
Assumption of Counting Sort
- Counting sort assumes that each of the element is an integer and lies in the range 1 to k, for some integer k
- When k=O(n) then sort runs in O(n) time.
- Determine how many elements are less than an element x
- Then place x directly on its correct position

Running Time
- T(n) = O(k) + O(n) + O(k) + O(n)
= O(k+n+k+n) = O(2k + 2n)
Assumption: k is O(n)
Hence T(n) = O(n)
Thus Counting Sort beats the running time of “nlogn” as it is not a comparison based sort
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