Nature and Scope of Education

Nature of Education

  • Education, according to John Dewey, is the process of living via the ongoing reconstruction of experiences. According to this theory, the nature of education is as follows:
  •  Education is a life-long process- Education is a life-long process because every stage of an individual’s life is important from an educational standpoint.
  •  Education is a systematic process- It refers to carrying out its activities through a well-organized institution and regulation.
  • Education is the growth of the person and the society- It is referred to as a force for social development since it improves all aspects of society. Education should be applicable to real-world problems.
  • Education is the alteration of behavior- The educational process modifies and improves human behavior. Individuals benefit from integrated development as a result of it.
  • Education is a form of training in which human senses, minds, behavior, and actions are honed in a constructive and socially desirable manner.
  •  Education is instruction and direction- It guides and instructs a person to fulfil his objectives and needs in order to exalt his entire personality.
  • Education is life- Without education, life is worthless and resembles the life of a beast. Every facet and situation necessitates education for proper development.
  • Education is the ongoing reconstruction of our experiences- According to John Dewey’s concept, education reconstructs and remodels our experiences in a socially desirable manner.
  • Education is a force and wealth in man that entitles him to be the supreme master of the earth.
  • Education is a tripolar process in which the Educator (teacher), the Educand (student), and the Society interact.As a result, the importance of education in creating a great society and man is immeasurable. Every community and nation must provide holistic happiness and prosperity to its citizens.


The field of educational sociology is extensive.
• It is concerned with broad ideas like society, culture, community, class, environment, socialization, internalization, accommodation, assimilation, cultural lag, subculture, status, and role, among others.
• It is also involved in cases involving education and social class, state, social force, cultural change, various problems of role structure, role analysis in relation to the overall social system and the micro society of the school, such as authority, selection, and the organization of learning, streaming, curriculum, and so on.

• It examines educational situations in a variety of geographical and ethnological contexts. For example, educational settings in rural, urban, and tribal communities, in various sections of the country/world, with a diversity of ethnicities, cultures, and so on.
• It aids us in understanding the efficacy of various educational strategies in teaching pupils with various intelligences.
• It investigates the impact of the economy on the type of education delivered to pupils. For example, education is provided through IB, ICSE, SSC, and municipal schools.
• It enables us to comprehend the impact of many social agencies, such as family and school, on students.

• It investigates the relationship between social class, culture, language, parental education, occupation, and student achievement.
• It investigates the role and structure of the school, as well as the impact of peer groups on students’ personalities.
• It teaches about issues such as racism, communalism, gender discrimination, and so on.
• It investigates the function of schools in the socialisation of students.
• It provides methods for pupils to develop national integration, international comprehension, a scientific temper, and globalisation.
• It encourages research studies on planning, organisation, and the application of various theories in education.


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