October 29, 2022

Click to download the complete thesis template for BS program project Thesis Template

Title: Short term end speed prediction using hybrid machine learning application Summary: Deepka et al. [1] worked on the Transient […]

Stimulate and sustain learners’ interest in what they teach. Use language which learners understand easily. Break down the content or […]

Assessment is the process by which the quality of an individual’s work is measured or judged. Educational assessmentis the systematic […]

A lesson is a single activity or a series of activities designed by the instructor so as to achieve one […]

Quaid E AZAM Academy for educational development (QAED) The institution was established with the name of Education Extension Centre (EEC)in the […]

Introduction Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. “Tell me and I will […]

Introduction There are different types of teaching methods which can be categorised into three broad types. These are teacher-centred methods, […]

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