
Digital logic design (DLD) past paper

Digital logic design (DLD) all previous/ past question papers

-Digital logic design (DLD)  –Computer Science all subject past paper  Digital logic design (DLD) –Computer Graphics  Course – (DLD)Project idea -Digital logic design (DLD) MCQ -Digital logic design (DLD)  Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paperold paper

Digital logic design (DLD) Mid term Examination 2021


(A) A hexadecimal odometer displays F5EC.what are the next 7 readings?

(B) A microcomputer has memory locations from 000 to 0FF.each memory location stores 1 bytes. In decimal, how many bites can the microcomputer store in its memory?

(c) Implement y=AB+CD using NOR gates only.

(d) An XOR gate has 6 inputs. How many input words are in its truth table?

(E) Why the gates are called decision making elements? How many inputs signal can a gate have?

(F) What are the fundamental product for each of the input words ABCD=0010,ABCD=1101 AND ABCD=1100.

(G) Why the gates are called decisions making elements? How many input signal can a gate have? How many output signals?

(H) What is meant by universal gate? What is the main difference between inverter and controlled inverter? Show the circuit diagram of a controlled inverter.

(I) Convert (21+your own registration number) into binary, octal and hexadecimal number system. The input is in decimal format.

(J) Reconvert the answer of above part (1) back into decimal.


Draw the circuit diagram of a decimal to binary encoder.


Design the circuit diagram of a grey code to binary converter.


Differentiate between half adder, full adder and binary adder. Implement the circuit diagram of a full adder starting from truth table.


A truth table has four inputs variables. The first eight outputs are 0’s and the last eight output are 1’s.draw the k-Map and write down the simplified expression



Digital logic design (DLD) paper 2 2020

Digital logic design past paper
Digital logic design past paper


  1. B) Differentiate between logic gates(AND,NAND,OR,NOR) with circuit diagram and truth table.

Q2: How can we detect an error in the given data bits?

7 bits of data (counts of 1 bits) Even Odd

Q3: Simplify the Product-Of-Sums Boolean Expression below, providing a result in SOP form.

Digital logic design past paper
Digital logic design past paper

Q4: What is the difference between full Subtractor and Half Adder? Draw the logical circuit diagram of full subtractor only?

Q5: Minimize Boolean expression F= (0,1,2,3,5,7,8,10,14,15) +d(4,6) by using quine mccluskey method/tabulation method?

DLD paper 3 2020


  1. A hexadecimal odometer displays F5EC. What are the next 7 reading?
  2. A microcomputer has memory locations from 000 to 0FF. Each memory location stores 1 byte. In decimal, how many bites can the microcomputer store in its memory?
  3. Implement Y= AB + CD using NOR gates only.
  4. An XOR gate has 6 inputs. How many input words are in its truth table?
  5. Why the gates are called decision making elements? How many input signals can a gate have?
  6. What are the fundamental product for each of the input words ABCD = 0010, ABCD = 1101 and ABCD = 1100?
  7. Why the gates are called decision making elements? How many input signals can a gate have? How many output signals?
  8. What is meant by universal gate?

What is the main difference between inverter and controller inverter? Show the circuit diagram of a controlled inverter?

  1. Convert (21+your own registration number) into binary, octal and Hexadecimal number system. The input is in decimal format?
  2. Reconvert the answers of the above part (1) back into decimal?

Q2: Draw the circuit diagram of the decimal to binary encoder?

Q3: Design the circuit diagram of a grey code to binary converter?

Q4: Differentiate between half adder, full adder and binary adder. Implement the circuit diagram of a full adder starting from truth table?

Q5: A truth table has four input variables. The first eight outputs are 0’s and the last eight output are 1’s. Draw the K-Map and write down the simplified expression?

DLD Paper 4 2019


a) A hexadecimal odometer displays FSEC. What are the next 7 readings?

b) A microcomputer has memory locations from 00 to OFF. Each memory location stores I byte. In decimal, how many bites can the microcomputer store in its memory”

c) Implement Y – AB + CD using NOR gates only.

d) An XOR gate has 6 inputs. How many input words are in its truth table?

Why the gates are called decision making elements? How many input signals can a gate have?

What are the fundamental product for each of the input words ABCD – 0010, ABCD = 1101 and ABCD

– 1100.

Why the gates are called decision making elements? How many input signals can a gate have? How many

output signals?

What is meant by universal gale?

What as the main difference between inverter and controlled inverter? Show the circuit diagram

or a controlled inverter.

P Convert (21 – your own registration number) into binary, octal and Hexadecimal number system The input 1s in decimal format.

Reconvert the answers of above part (i) back into decimal.

Q2: Draw the circuit diagram of a decimal to binary encoder.

Q3: Design the circuit diagram of a grey code to binary converter.

Q4: Differentiate between half adder, full adder and binary adder. Implement the circuit diagram of a full adder starting from truth table.

Q5: A, truth table has four input variables. The first eight outputs are O’s and the last eight output are Is.

Draw the K-Map and write down the simplified expression.

DLD Paper 5 2019


DLD paper 6 2018


DLD paper 7 2018

DLD Final


#Digital logic design (DLD) #Computer Science all subject past paper  Digital logic design (DLD) #Computer Graphics  Course  # (DLD)Project idea  #Digital logic design (DLD)MCQ  #Design Digital logic design (DLD)  Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology #University Past Paper #Programming language  #Question paper  #old paper

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