
November 1, 2022

Education is a process of reconstructing experience on a continuous basis. Education has many characteristics, the most important of which […]

Prior to the establishment of English-medium public schools and universities, children from Muslim families had to rely on Madaris for […]

Nature of Education Education, according to John Dewey, is the process of living via the ongoing reconstruction of experiences. According […]

Human life, God’s best creation, has two aspects: biological and socio-cultural. Plant and animal life both have biological aspects. However, […]

Operating system Course content with lab practices Operating System-Functions and History Generations of Operating System Functions of an Operating System […]

Kernel and Shell An Operating is made of many components, but its two prime components are – Kernel Shell A […]

System Calls Process creation system call fork ( ) Wait system call Exit system call Sleep system call Exec system […]

GNU C++ Compiler (g++) is a compiler in Linux which is used to compile C++ programs. It compiles both files […]

Displaying Processes in the System Static view (ps command) Dynamic view (top command) ps command displays the processes for the […]

Text Processing Tools and Basic System Configuration Tools in Linux This lecture teaches you the following topics: An introduction to […]

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