- Stimulate and sustain learners’ interest in what they teach.
- Use language which learners understand easily.
- Break down the content or lesson into simple manageable yet systematic blocks.
- Help learners to learn on their own rather than depending wholly on the teacher.
- Makes learners creative and critical in order to fully understand the idea, art or skill being taught
- Ability to review, test and confirm, if not apply what has been taught.
7-Laws of teaching
These are also counted as needs of a good Teacher
- Have a clear understanding of the content embodied in the lesson.
- Makes learners develop interest in the subject matter through effective class management techniques
- Uses words and expressions which have common meaning to the learner and teacher alike.
- Starts teaching the known and proceeds gradually to teach the unknown or more abstract material.
- Makes learners to think, act and discover new knowledge on their own.
- Encourages learners to reproduce in their own words what they have learned
- Evaluates what has been taught in order to determine its worth and correct any false impression.