Lexical Analyzer Input Buffering scheme

Lexical Analyzer Input Buffering scheme Compiler Construction

This lab teaches you

  • How to implement lexical analyzer using input buffering scheme (with one buffer)

Instructor Note:

Student should know the concept of input buffers for implementing lexical analyzers


Lexical analyzer reads source code character by character and produces tokens for each valid word. Specialized buffering techniques thus have been developed to reduce the amount of overhead required to process a single input character.

Two pointers to the input are maintained:

Pointer Lexeme Begin, marks the beginning of the current lexeme, whose extent we are attempting to determine

Pointer Forward, scans ahead until a pattern match is found.

Once the next lexeme is determined, forward is set to character at its right end.Then, after the lexeme is recorded as an attribute value of a token returned to the parser, Lexeme Begin is set to the character immediately after the lexeme just found.

If we use the scheme of Buffer pairs we must check, each time we advance forward, that we have not moved off one of the buffers; if we do, then we must also reload the other buffer. Thus, for each character read, we make two tests: one for the end of the buffer, and one to determine what character is read (the latter may be a multiway branch). We can combine the buffer-end test with the test for the current character if we extend each buffer to hold a sentinel character at the end. The sentinel is a special character that cannot be part of the source program, and a natural choice is the character EOF.

Note that EOF retains its use as a marker for the end of the entire input. Any EOF that appears other than at the end of a buffer means that the input is at an end.

Lab Activities:

Activity 1:

Implement lexical analyzer using input buffering scheme

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data;

using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections;

namespace LexicalAnalyzerV1


public partial class Form1 : Form


public Form1()




private void btn_Input_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


//taking user input from rich textbox String userInput = tfInput.Text;

//List of keywords which will be used to seperate keywords from variables List<String> keywordList = new List<String>();

keywordList.Add(“int”); keywordList.Add(“float”); keywordList.Add(“while”); keywordList.Add(“main”); keywordList.Add(“if”); keywordList.Add(“else”); keywordList.Add(“new”);

//row is an index counter for symbol table int row = 1;

//count is a variable to incremenet variable id in tokens int count = 1;

//line_num is a counter for lines in user input int line_num = 0;

//SymbolTable is a 2D array that has the following structure

//[Index][Variable Name][type][value][line#]

//rows are incremented with each variable information entry

String[,] SymbolTable = new String[20, 6];

List<String> varListinSymbolTable = new List<String>();

//Input Buffering

ArrayList finalArray = new ArrayList(); ArrayList finalArrayc = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tempArray = new ArrayList();

char[] charinput = userInput.ToCharArray();

Regex constants_Reg = new Regex(@”^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([e]([+|-])?[0-9]+)?$”);

//Regular Expression for Operators

Regex operators_Reg = new Regex(@”^[-*+/><&&||=]$”);

//Regular Expression for Special_Characters

Regex Special_Reg = new Regex(@”^[.,’\[\]{}();:?]$”);

for (int itr = 0; itr < charinput.Length; itr++)


Match Match_Variable = variable_Reg.Match(charinput[itr] + “”); Match Match_Constant = constants_Reg.Match(charinput[itr] + “”); Match Match_Operator = operators_Reg.Match(charinput[itr] + “”); Match Match_Special = Special_Reg.Match(charinput[itr] + “”);

if (Match_Variable.Success || Match_Constant.Success || Match_Operator.Success || Match_Special.Success || charinput[itr].Equals(‘ ‘))




if (charinput[itr].Equals(‘\n’))


if (tempArray.Count != 0)


int j = 0; String fin = “”;

for (; j < tempArray.Count; j++)


fin += tempArray[j];







if (tempArray.Count != 0)


int j = 0; String fin = “”;

for (; j < tempArray.Count; j++)


fin += tempArray[j];


finalArray.Add(fin); tempArray.Clear();


// Final Array SO far correct

tfTokens.Clear(); symbolTable.Clear();

//looping on all lines in user input

for (int i = 0; i < finalArray.Count; i++)


String line = finalArray[i].ToString();

//tfTokens.AppendText(line + “\n”); char[] lineChar = line.ToCharArray(); line_num++;

//taking current line and splitting it into lexemes by space

for (int itr = 0; itr < lineChar.Length; itr++)


Match Match_Variable = variable_Reg.Match(lineChar[itr] + “”); Match Match_Constant = constants_Reg.Match(lineChar[itr] + “”); Match Match_Operator = operators_Reg.Match(lineChar[itr] + “”); Match Match_Special = Special_Reg.Match(lineChar[itr] + “”); if (Match_Variable.Success || Match_Constant.Success)




if (lineChar[itr].Equals(‘ ‘))


if (tempArray.Count != 0)


int j = 0; String fin = “”;

for (; j < tempArray.Count; j++)


fin += tempArray[j];


finalArrayc.Add(fin); tempArray.Clear();



if (Match_Operator.Success || Match_Special.Success)


if (tempArray.Count != 0)


int j = 0; String fin = “”;

for (; j < tempArray.Count; j++)


fin += tempArray[j];


finalArrayc.Add(fin); tempArray.Clear();





if (tempArray.Count != 0)


String fina = “”;

for (int k = 0; k < tempArray.Count; k++)


fina += tempArray[k];


finalArrayc.Add(fina); tempArray.Clear();


// we have asplitted line here

for (int x = 0; x < finalArrayc.Count; x++)


Match operators = operators_Reg.Match(finalArrayc[x].ToString());

Match variables = variable_Reg.Match(finalArrayc[x].ToString());

Match digits = constants_Reg.Match(finalArrayc[x].ToString());

Match punctuations =Special_Reg.Match(finalArrayc[x].ToString());

if (operators.Success)


// if a current lexeme is an operator then make a token e.g. < op, = >

tfTokens.AppendText(“< op, ” + finalArrayc[x].ToString() +”> “);


else if (digits.Success)


// if a current lexeme is a digit then make a token e.g. <digit, 12.33 >

tfTokens.AppendText(“< digit, ” +finalArrayc[x].ToString() + “> “);


else if (punctuations.Success)


// if a current lexeme is a punctuation then make a token e.g. < punc, ; >

tfTokens.AppendText(“< punc, ” + finalArrayc[x].ToString() + “> “);


else if (variables.Success)


// if a current lexeme is a variable and not a keyword if (!keywordList.Contains(finalArrayc[x].ToString())) // if it is not a keyword


// check what is the category of varaible, handling only two cases here

//Category1- Variable initialization of type digit e.g. int count = 10 ;

//Category2- Variable initialization of type String e.g. String var = ‘ Hello ‘ ;

Regex reg1 = new Regex(@”^(int|float|double)\s([A-Za- z|_][A-Za-z|0-9]{0,10})\s(=)\s([0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([e][+|-]?[0-9]+)?)\s(;)$”); // line

of type int alpha = 2 ;

Match category1 = reg1.Match(line);

Regex reg2 = new Regex(@”^(String|char)\s([A-Za- z|_][A-Za-z|0-9]{0,10})\s(=)\s[‘]\s([A-Za-z|_][A-Za-z|0-9]{0,30})\s[‘]\s(;)$”); // line of type String alpha = ‘ Hello ‘ ;

Match category2 = reg2.Match(line);

//if it is a category 1 then add a row in symbol table containing the information related to that variable

if (category1.Success)


SymbolTable[row, 1] = row.ToString(); //index

SymbolTable[row, 2] = finalArrayc[x].ToString();

//variable name

SymbolTable[row, 3] = finalArrayc[x -1].ToString(); //type

SymbolTable[row, 4] = finalArrayc[x+2].ToString();


SymbolTable[row, 5] = line_num.ToString(); // line number

tfTokens.AppendText(“<var” + count + “, ” + row +”> “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row,1].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 2].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row,3].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 4].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 5].ToString() + ” \n “);

row++; count++;


//if it is a category 2 then add a row in symbol table containing the information related to that variable

else if (category2.Success)


// if a line such as String var = ‘ Hello ‘ ; comes and the loop moves to index of array containing Hello ,

//then this if condition prevents addition of Hello in symbol Table because it is not a variable it is just a string

if (!(finalArrayc[x-1].ToString().Equals(“‘”) && finalArrayc[x+1].ToString().Equals(“‘”)))


SymbolTable[row, 1] = row.ToString(); // index

SymbolTable[row, 2]=finalArrayc[x].ToString(); //varname



= finalArrayc[x-1].ToString(); //type



=finalArrayc[x+3].ToString(); //value



= line_num.ToString(); //

line number

tfTokens.AppendText(“<var” + count + “, ” + row + “> “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 1].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 2].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 3].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 4].ToString() + ” \t “);

symbolTable.AppendText(SymbolTable[row, 5].ToString() + ” \t “);

row++; count++;




tfTokens.AppendText(“<String” + count + “, ” + finalArrayc[x].ToString() + “> “);





// if any other category line comes in we check if we have initializes that varaible before,

// if we have initiazed it before then we put the index of that variable in symbol table, in its token

String ind = “Default”; String ty = “Default”; String val = “Default”; String lin = “Default”;

for (int r = 1; r <= SymbolTable.GetLength(0);


already exists


//search in the symbol table if variable entry

if (SymbolTable[r, 2].Equals(finalArrayc[x].ToString()))


ind = SymbolTable[r, 1]; ty = SymbolTable[r, 3]; val = SymbolTable[r, 4]; lin = SymbolTable[r, 5];

tfTokens.AppendText(“<var” + ind + “, ” +ind + “> “);






// if a current lexeme is not a variable but a keyword then make a token such as: <keyword, int>



tfTokens.AppendText(“<keyword, ” + finalArrayc[x].ToString() + “> “);




tfTokens.AppendText(“\n”); finalArrayc.Clear();





Home Activities: Activity 1:

Implement lexical analyzer using two buffers


Submit the home activity before next lab


//Regular Expression for Variables

Regex variable_Reg = new Regex(@”^[A-Za-z|_][A-Za-z|0-9]*$”);

//Regular Expression for Constants

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