
Web Technology Past paper

Web Technology all previous/ past question papers

-Web Technology project-Computer Science all subject past paper  –Web Technology  Problem with source codeWireless & Mobile Computing Course -Web Technology Project idea -Web Technology MCQ -Wireless & Web Technology Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paperold paper

Web Technology Mid term paper in 2021


Differentiate between functions and events with the help of example?


Discuss HTML elements with the help of example (any 5).


Discuss the objectives and purpose of responsive web design. How it is different from static web.


Differentiate between view port and media queries with the help of example.


How to extract a sub string from a string. Discuss any two methods with example.

Web Technology paper II in  2020

Q1: Differentiate between function and events with the help of example?

Q2: Discuss HTML elements with the help of example?

Q3: Discuss the objectives and purpose of Responsive web design. How it is different from static web?

Q4: Differentiate between View port and media queries with the help of example?

Q5: How to extract a sub string from a string. Discuss any two methods with example?

Web Technology Final paper in  2020

  1. Write down the list of Operations occurring in the lifetime of a SqlConnection object?[2]
  2. What we have to write in Html.BeginForm in view page for uploading any file? [3]
  3. Suppose user  uses  the  following  form  to  get  registered  with  your    Create a database with  the name  “testdb”.  In  this  database  create  a  table  users  with  columns  names  user_Id,  user_Name, user_Email, user_CNIC, user_Comments and user_Picture. Write the code that [10]


  1. Uploads the picture to the server (in uploads folder)
  2. Inserts the user record in the database.
  3. Write stored procedure

  1. Write the HTML code using Div, that creates a form as given below. Write data annotation on model that validates the input provided by the user.[10]
  2. Web Technology Past paper
    Web Technology Past paper

    Project viva [5].

  3. During viva  student are supposed to perform many different tasks live [6].

Web Technology Sessional II 2020

  1. What is _Layout page explain the relationship between layout page and partial page. [1]
  2. What is Range validator control? explain with example.[1]
  3. How to set optional parameter in model. [1]
  4. Which elements you have to write in your Database connection string? [2]
  1. Write the purpose of business logic layer and data access layer?[3]
  2. Write a regular expression to validate Email and Password (password must contain a capital letter, small letter, and a number). [3]
  3. What is a Stored Procedure, write a stored procedure for the following table that insert only Email, Password and Fname value to the table? [4]

Sessional 1 2020

Answer the following questions:

  1. Write down the Difference between session and cookies? [2]
  2. Write code to print the following list [2]
  3. Describe Three-Layer Web Architecture using diagram [1]
  4. Write down all the attribute of table tag and name of CSS selector?[2]
  5. Write down the Difference between http and https? [2]
  6. Write Html code for the following. [6]

Web Technology Final Paper in 2022

Question # 01:    (20 Marks)

Develop a quiz game in React library with random mathematical expressions using addition, subtraction multiplication, division and modulus operators. Both the operations and operands must be shown randomly in the quiz questions. The game must have a scoring state which will be initially at Score: 0. The score gets incremented on every correct answer. Also penalize score by negative 1 for wrong answer. The game will reach winning state at the total score of 10.

Score: 4


Question # 02:           (20 Marks)

Design an infinite scroll app with posts expanding feature using Django and Javascript. There should be a + button on right side of the post. Clicking + button would extract the post. Also apply CSS animation while expanding the post(s). The post should not expand abruptly instead it should follow a smooth transition while appearing completely.

Hint: You have to increase the height of the div to expand the post.

Question # 03:       (10 Marks)

Write the complete code for a Django app that takes a number input from user to display a particular string e.g your name that many times. If user enter 10 the templates should display his her name 10 times in an unordered list.

Mid term paper

Suppose you were given a document containing ten email addresses containing capital and small alphabets. (C2,3) a. Using HTML write a java script (only) code to find all email ids from the document

b. Provide the code to hide email address (at least 1)

2. Consider a web page is not displaying according to display screen (C 1,2,3) a. Identify the problems in this web page b. What should be added to code so that this problem might be resolved

3. How to extract a sub string from a string. Discuss any two methods with example

Question 5 What is Postmodernism? Is it a co major concerns that are between the terms Colonialism and Imperialis moted by Colonial Literary writings.

#Web Technology project #Computer Science all subject past paper  #Web Technology Problem with source code #Web Technology  Course #Web Technology Project idea #Web Technology MCQ #Wireless & Mobile Computing Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology #University Past Paper #Programming language #Question paper #old paper

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