Testing and Evaluation past/Previous question paper
– Testing and Evaluation project-Computer Science all subject past paper –Testing and Evaluation   Problem with source code – Testing and Evaluation  Course Testing and Evaluation Project idea – Testing and Evaluation MCQ Testing and Evaluation Interview Question –Computer Science all courses Testing and Evaluation concepts-University Past Paper – Testing and Evaluation –Question paper –old paper
Testing and Evaluation Sessional |I in 2020
Q.NO1.cuss the following terms in relation to Testing and Evaluation:
each question, your answer should not exceed 10 lines. (2.5+4=10 marks)
1. Evaluation
2. Validity and reliability
3. Peer Assessment
4. Sociolinguistic Competence
Q.NO.2 What is testing? Write a detail note different sorts of testing with your arguments. (10)
Q.NO.1 Write a short note on the followings
1. Need of assessment
2 Relationship between measurement, assessment and evaluation
3. Validity of test
4. Types of assessment
Q.NO.2 Define ‘Test’. Discuss different tests which can be used in language evaluation.
Q.NO.3Draw a comparison between testing and evaluation. Discuss different techniques which
can be used in language testing. (Marks:10)
Q.NO.4 Being a language instructor, how would you develop a test? Discuss test development
briefly  (Marks:10)
Testing and Evaluation  project #Computer Science all subject past paper # Testing and Evaluation Problem with source code # Testing and Evaluation  Course # Testing and Evaluation Project idea # Testing and Evaluation MCQ #Testing and Evaluation Interview Question #Computer Science all courses Testing and Evaluation #University Past Paper # Testing and Evaluation #Question paper #old paper