Standard Analysis Techniques
Standard Analysis Techniques
- Constant time statements
- Analyzing Loops
- Analyzing Nested Loops
- Analyzing Sequence of Statements
- Analyzing Conditional Statements
Constant time statements
- Simplest case: O(1) time statements
- Assignment statements of simple data types
int x = y; - Arithmetic operations:
x = 5 * y + 4 – z; - Array referencing:
A[j] = 5; - Array assignment:
” j, A[j] = 5; - Most conditional tests:
if (x < 12) …
Analyzing Loops[1]
- Any loop has two parts:
- How many iterations are performed?
- How many steps per iteration?
int sum = 0,j;
for (j=0; j < N; j++)
sum = sum +j;
- Loop executes N times (0..N-1)
- 4 = O(1) steps per iteration
- Total time is N * O(1) = O(N*1) = O(N)
Analyzing Loops[2]
- What about this for loop?
int sum =0, j;
for (j=0; j < 100; j++)
sum = sum +j;
- Loop executes 100 times
- 4 = O(1) steps per iteration
- Total time is 100 * O(1) = O(100 * 1) = O(100) = O(1)
Analyzing Nested Loops[1]
- Treat just like a single loop and evaluate each level of nesting as needed:
int j,k;
for (j=0; j<N; j++)
for (k=N; k>0; k–)
sum += k+j;
- Start with outer loop:
- How many iterations? N
- How much time per iteration? Need to evaluate inner loop
- Inner loop uses O(N) time
- Total time is N * O(N) = O(N*N) = O(N2)
Analyzing Nested Loops[2]
- What if the number of iterations of one loop depends on the counter of the other?
int j,k;
for (j=0; j < N; j++)
for (k=0; k < j; k++)
sum += k+j;
- Analyze inner and outer loop together:
- Number of iterations of the inner loop is:
- 0 + 1 + 2 + … + (N-1) = O(N2)
Analyzing Sequence of Statements
- For a sequence of statements, compute their complexity functions individually and add them up
for (j=0; j < N; j++)
for (k =0; k < j; k++)
sum = sum + j*k; O(N2)
for (l=0; l < N; l++)
sum = sum -l; O(N)
cout<<“Sum=”<<sum; O(1)
Total cost is O(N2) + O(N) +O(1) = O(N2)
Analyzing Conditional Statements
What about conditional statements such as
if (condition)
where statement1 runs in O(N) time and statement2 runs in O(N2) time?
We use “worst case” complexity: among all inputs of size N, that is the maximum running time?
The analysis for the example above is O(N2)
Best Case
- Best case is defined as which input of size n is cheapest among all inputs of size n.
- “The best case for my algorithm is n=1 because that is the fastest.” WRONG!