AI-Resume-Analyzer Final Year Project

A tool which parses information from a resume using natural language processing and finds the keywords, cluster them onto sectors based on their keywords. And lastly show recommendations, predictions, analytics to the applicant / recruiter based on keyword matching. This blog post is about AI-Resume-Analyzer Final Year Project, will share you objective some features and the link to the code.

Objectives of the Project:

  • It can be used for getting all the resume data into a structured tabular format and csv as well, so that the organization can use those data for analytics purposes
  • By providing recommendations, predictions and overall score user can improve their resume and can keep on testing it on our tool
  • And it can increase more traffic to our tool because of user section
  • It can be used by colleges to get insight of students and their resume before placements
  • Also, to get analytics for roles which users are mostly looking for
  • To improve this tool by getting feedbacks

Technologies Used:


  • Streamlit
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • Streamlit
  • Python


  • MySQL


  • pandas
  • pyresparser
  • pdfminer3
  • Plotly
  • NLTK

AI-Resume-Analyzer Final Year Project Features

Client: –

  • Fetching Location and Miscellaneous Data
  • Using Parsing Techniques to fetch
  • Basic Info
  • Skills
  • Keywords

    Using logical programs, it will recommend

    • Skills that can be added
    • Predicted job role
    • Course and certificates
    • Resume tips and ideas
    • Overall Score
    • Interview & Resume tip videos

    Admin: –

    • Get all applicant’s data into tabular format
    • Download user’s data into csv file

    • View all saved uploaded pdf in Uploaded Resume folder

    • Get user feedback and ratings

      Pie Charts for: –

    • Ratings

    • Predicted field / roles

    • Experience level

    • Resume score

    • User count

    • City

    • State

    • Country

    Feedback: –

    • Form filling
    • Rating from 1 – 5
    • Show overall ratings pie chart
    • Past user comments history

    Setup & Installation 👀

    To run this project, perform the following tasks 😨

    1. Download the code file from the link below:

    Download Project Source Code

    2. Create a virtual environment and activate it (recommended)

    Open your command prompt and change your project directory to AI-Resume-Analyzer and run the following command. Also check Internet Chicks blog

    python -m venv venvapp
    cd venvapp/Scripts

    3. Downloading packages from requirements.txt inside App folder

    cd App
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

    4.After installation is finished create a Database cv And change user credentials inside

    connection = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',user='root',password='root@MySQL4admin',db='cv')

    4. Go to venvapp\Lib\site-packages\pyresparser folder And replace the with which was provided by me inside pyresparser folder

    Congratulations 🥳😱 your set-up 👆 and installation is finished 😵🤯

    For more FYP project Ideas and their source codes please bookmark our site CUITUTORIAL

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