Intro to Bio Informatics past paper

Intro to Bio Informatics all previous/ past question papers

– Intro to Bio Informatics –Computer Science all subject past paper  Intro to Bio Informatics- Intro to Bio Informatics Project idea – ICT  MCQ -Intro to Bio Informatics Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paper –old paper

Q1. Answer the following

  1. Define homology and its types.
  2. Differentiate between PAM and BLOSSUM.

Q2. Find the optimum alignment for given sequence using Needleman – Wunsch Algorithm.

Differentiate between Linear and Affinity GAP QUEREY HEAGAWGHEE Marks (5)

Intro to Bio Informatics past paper
Intro to Bio Informatics past paper

Intro to Bio Informatics past paper

#Intro to Bio Informatics #Computer Science all subject past paper  Intro to Bio Informatics   #Computer Graphics  Course  #Intro to Bio Informatics Project idea  # Intro to Bio Informatics  MCQ  #Intro to Bio Informatics Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology #University Past Paper #Programming language  #Question paper  #old paper

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