
Management theory and practice past paper

Management theory and practice all previous/ past question papers

-Management theory and practice –Computer Science all subject past paper  – Management theory and practice   with source code – Management theory and practice   Course – Management theory and practice   idea – Management theory and practice MCQ- Management theory and practice Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paperold paper

Management theory Sessional II 2020

Question No. 1

Compare the advantages and drawbacks of the various approaches to going global.

Question No. 2

Define Parochialism. Contrast ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric attitudes toward global business.

Question No. 3

Define HRM and draw the HRM process.

Question No. 4

Consider the article “What leaders must provide” and discuss the four points of clarity for leaders?

Question No. 5

What is Job Analysis. Differentiate between job description and specification.

Management theory Sessional I in 2020

Question No. 1

Define Decision. Describe eight steps in decision-making process.

Question No. 2

As managers use computers and software tools more often, they’ll be able to make more rational decisions. Do you agree and disagree with this statement? Why?

Question No. 3

What is employee performance management? Discuss its methods in detail.

Question No. 4

Define strategic HRM. Draw the process of HRM.

Question No. 5

Consider the article “What leaders must provide” and discuss the four points of clarity for leaders?

#Management theory and practice #Computer Science all subject past paper  # Management theory and practice # Management theory and practice  with source code #Management theory and practice  idea –Management theory and practice  MCQ# Management theory and practice  Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology –University Past Paper #Programming language #Question paper #old paper

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