Software quality engineering past paper

Software quality engineering all previous/ past question papers

-Software quality engineering-Computer Science all subject past paper  – Software quality engineering -Software quality engineering   with source code -Software quality engineering   Course – Software quality engineering -Software quality engineering MCQ- Software quality engineering  Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses -Technology –University Past Paper -Programming language –Question paper –old paper

Software quality engineering mid term paper


Software quality engineering paper final

Course Title: Software Quality Engineering Course Code: CSE302 Credit Hours: 3
Course Instructor: Malik M. Ali Shahid Programme Name: BSSE
Semester: 6 Batch: B10 Section: – Date: 07-02-2020
Time Allowed: 1.5 Hour Maximum Marks:  50
Student’s Name:   Reg. No. CIIT/                                               /VHR
Important Instructions / Guidelines:

You have to create a word file  yourRollNo-Name.docx (e.g.  FA17-BSE-001-Alishahid.docx),
on each page write your name,reg#. and send email before given deadline. Read the question paper carefully and answer the questions according to their statements.
Camera has to be on during the exam.

Terminal Examination Spring 2020

Q.No.1 Answer the following questions for the given scenario                                                                   10

“The online delivery company take orders from larger companies for shipment in bulk. The company also ships single item of customers from home or offices. The company allows tracking of the goods/orders/shipment.

  1. List core functions to be developed
  2. List most important quality attributes
  3. List the quality objective of the software

Q.No.2 Using the scenario in question 1                                                                                                                12  

  1. Suggest Programming Language
  2. Create a requirement agreement
  3. Enlist quality attributes
  4. Suggest the most important quality attribute

Q.No.3 For an online shoe store software                                                                                                            13

  1. a) Design user interface for the most important function.
  2. b) Extract the DFD from the interface designed in a

Q.No.4  Using COCOMO for the scenario in question 1, calculate    (Tables are already given)      15

  1. Calculate the function points
  2. Calculate the average staffing
  3. Calculate the total cost of the software in PKR

# Software quality engineering #Computer Science all subject past paper  #Software quality engineering # Software quality engineering  with source code # Software quality engineering  Course # Software quality engineering idea# Software quality engineering MCQ# Software quality engineering Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses #Technology –University Past Paper #Programming language #Question paper #old paper


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