
Software project management past paper

Software project management all previous/ past question papers

– Software project management project-Computer Science all subject past paper  – Software project management  Problem with source code Software project management Course – Software project management Project idea – Software project management MCQ – Software project management Interview Question  –Computer Science all courses – Software project management concepts-University Past Paper – Software project management –Question paperold paper

Mid Term Examination 2021

Q1: Explain the Following terms

  1. Scope creep
  2. Work package
  3. Three point estimate
  4. Slack/float time

Q2: Consider table below. All duration estimates are in days, and the network  proceed from node 1 to node 8.

  1. Draw an AOA network diagram representing the project. (Put the node number in circle and draw arrows from node to node, labeling each arrow with the activity letter and estimate time.)
  2. Identify all of the paths on the network diagram and note how long they are?
  3. What is the critical path for this project and how long is it?
  4. What is the shortest possible time needed to complete this project?

Sessional 1 question paper 2020

COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus

Department of Computer Science

Sessional # 1- FA 2020

Class: SE B10                                                                       Date:

Subject: Software Project Management                            Instructor: Maheen Gul

Total Time Allowed: 1 Hour                                                Max Marks: 10

Name:                                                                                     Registration #                                


  2. Submit your result on portal within given
  3. In case of any issues in portal, result can be submitted on email address [email protected] but it can result in negative marking or cancellation of And student will be responsible for late submission.
  4. Only word or pdf solution will be Images pasted in word file should be numbered and text should be clear in images.

Question 1:                                                                                                                                (10)

It is suggested to launch automatic attendance system based on thumb recognition in COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari campus class rooms for students and at gate entrance for faculty.

  1. Apply three-sphere model for systems management to see if this IT project is really feasible to launch in Vehari
  2. Also explain why understanding of an organization is important before starting an IT project


Sessional 2 question paper 2020

Question 1:                                                                                                                                (5)                                                                 

In table 1, first column shows activities A to I and 2nd column shows the number of days required for the activity completion. 3rd column explain the predecessor (activity that must be completed to start the given activity).

Draw a Gant chart for the following table showing schedule of all these activities.

Question 2:                                                                                                                              (10)

A company has developed a very comprehensive software product for a particular target industry. However, most of the users in the industry cannot afford the costs of deploying the product. The software is too complex for simple users to handle, and potential clients must dedicate a team of people with knowledge of the industry and advanced computer skills if they are to successfully adopt the package.

 Considering the above case what kind of risks can arise?

 Final question paper 2020

Class:  BSSE B10                                                                   Date:

Subject: Software Project Management                            Instructor: Maheen Gul

Total Time Allowed: 1.5 hours                                            Max Marks: 40

Name: _____________________                                          Registration #________________   


Read question paper carefully.


Case 1: A project is estimated to be finished in one year, using two programmers. However, due to a change in circumstances, it is desirable that the project be speeded up. A proposal is put forward to increase the number of programmers to six, thus allowing the project to be completed in 4 months.

Question 1: Considering the case 1:

  • What would be the risk, if the project committee does not come up with any new proposal to cope the change in circumstances and stick to one-year plan despite of changes in circumstances?                                                                                                              (10)                                                    
  • What would be the risk, if the project committee allows the project to be completed in 4 months according to new proposal?         (10)


Case 2: You and your team are working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. You have been asked to refine the existing cost estimate for the project so they can evaluate supplier bids and have a solid cost baseline for evaluating project performance. Your schedule and cost goals are to complete the project in six months for under $200,000.

Question 2: Assume that you have completed three months of the project. The BAC was $200,000 for this six-month project. You can also make the following assumptions: PV= $120,000, EV=$100,000 AC=$90,000                                                                                      (10)

2.1 Use the CPI to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC) for this project. Is the project performing better or worse than planned?

Question 3: Considering case 2, assume testing is done for 6 weeks and that you’ll need one senior tester for all six weeks, two junior testers for the last four weeks, two user-group workers for the first week, four user-group workers for the last three weeks, and two user-group managers for the last two weeks. Create a resource histogram to show how many people you think the project will need for testing.                                                                                                      (10)


# Software project management project #Computer Science all subject past paper  # Software project management  Problem with source code # Software project management Course # Software project management Project idea # Software project management MCQ #Wireless & Software project management  Interview Question  #Computer Science all courses # Software project management #University Past Paper # Software project management #Question paper #old paper


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