Justification of Topic/Problem
Research justification refers to the reason why the research is being conducted, including an explanation for the design and methods employed in the research.
RESEARCH PROBLEM AND JUSTIFICATION: # Normally about one quarter to one half of your proposal, this section should describe the problem that is to be investigated and the questions that will guide the research process. # It should also provide a brief overview of the body of research related to the problem and indicate the gaps that the proposed research will fill. # To show the importance of the problem, this section should discuss: how the research relates to the development priorities of the or countries concerned; the scientific importance of the problem; the magnitude of the problem and how the research results will contribute to its solution; the special importance of the project for vulnerable social groups; and the need to build up research capacity in the proposed area of research. # If the proposal is for the second phase of a project or you have received IDRC funding in the past for similar work, please describe the results of the previous work and indicate why additional research is required. |