Basics of program writing (Variables and operators)
Test Program
- #include<iostream>
- #include <conio.h>
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- cout << “Hello World” << endl;
- getch();
- }
- Performed by a program called the compiler
- Translates the preprocessor-modified source code into object code (machine code)
- Checks for syntax errors and warnings
- Saves the object code to a disk file, if instructed to do so.
- If any compiler errors are received, no object code file will be generated.
- An object code file will be generated if only warnings, not errors, are received.
Program Development
- Editor produces Source File
- Preprocessor Modified Source Code
not saved on disk
- Compiler produces Object Code File
- Linker links Object Code File and Other Object Code Files (if any) and produces Executable File
Basic Structure of C++ programs
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;
void main ( )
cout << “Hello World”;
void main ( )
- Every C++ program consists of one or more functions.
- main ( ) is a function. It is the first function to which control is passed from OS when a program is executed
- void indicates that the main function does not return any value
Basic Structure of C++ programs
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;
void main ( )
cout << “Hello World”;
- cout is a statement.
- A statement in C++ is terminated by a semi colon ( ; ) .
Opening and Closing brace or Curly brackets marks the start and end of the code
The start and end of a block ( such as loop, if else statement, switch statement) is also identified by the start and end of curly brackets.
- C++ pays no attention to the “whitespace” characters encountered in a program like space, carriage return(newline) and tab
- You can put as many whitespaces in your program as you like; they will be invisible to the compiler
Stretching the code vertically makes it more readable
Indentation of blocks of code enclosed in braces is an important aspect for making the programs readable
e.g. the printf statement that is indented in the previous example
The same program below will execute perfectly
Variable Names:
Name assigned to a memory location
- Variables are like containers in your computer’s memory
- you can store values in them and retrieve or modify them when necessary
Assignment Operator
3 = 5 In correct
X + 1 = y + 2 In correct
x + 5 = Y Incorrect
Z = y + 4 Correct
When l-value has assigned a r-value to it, the current l-value is overwritten with r-value
Variable names are called identifiers
all the identifiers are not variable names!!!
Identifiers Refer to the Names of:
- variables
- data types
- Constants
- functions
Identifier: Variable Names
Any combination of letters, numbers, and underscore (_)
- Case sensitive
“sum” is different than “Sum“ or “SUM”
- Cannot begin with a digit
1stName —— illegal
devideby10 —- legal
- Usually, variables beginning with underscore are used only in special library routines.
_validsystemcall —- legal
Identifier: Variable Names
- Usually only the first 32 characters are significant
(both of the above identifiers are legal and the same)
- There can be no embedded blanks or special character
gross salary ( is illegal because it contains space )
%rate ( is illegal because it contains special character )
- Keywords or Reserve words cannot be used as identifiers
float ( is illegal because it contains a key word )
Keywords / Reserved Words
- Some words may not be used as identifiers
- These words have special meaning in C and C++
break case char const continue default do double else |
extern float for goto if int long register return short |
sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while |
Data types in C/ C++
- Integer declared as int
- float declared as float
- double declared as double
- Character declared as char
- Void declared as void
Size and Types of Data Types
Int Integer stores an integer value e.g. 125
int (at least 16 bits, commonly 32 bits)
long (at least 32 bits)
short (at least 8 bits)
float floating point (at least 32 bits)
stores decimal value (e.g. 125.1234567)
double floating point (commonly 64 bits bits)
stores decimal value
(e.g. 125.123456789012345)
double the precision of a float
char character (at least 8 bits)
stores an integer representing a character (e.g. ‘A’)
different codes of 8 bit and 15 bit
ANSCII – American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (8 bits)
EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal
interchange Code (8 bits)
UNICODE – 15 bit code
void means nothing ( zero bytes)
used for the function return nothing.
e.g. void main ( void)
Size of Data Types
Exact size can vary, depending on processor
- int is supposed to be “natural” integer size;
for older processors, it’s 16 bits
for most modern processors it’s 32 bits
How can you know the size?
- Use function called sizeof.
e.g. sizeof(int), it returns answer in bytes
Additional to Data Type
Like constants but is preprocessor directive
- Unnamed constants that appear literally in source code.
- Variables whose values do not change during the execution of the program
- This done by appending ‘const” before the data type
- 125 ( positive decimal )
- -125 ( negative decimal )
- 0x125 ( treated as octal)
- ‘s‘ (character s )
- ‘\t’ ( tab )
- ‘\xC’ (ASCII 12 (0xC) )
Floating point
- 6.023 ( real value)
- 6.023e23 ( 6.023 x 1023 )
- 5E12 ( 5.0 x 1012 )
Constants and Symbol
#define RADIUS 15.0 //symbol
int main( )
const double pi = 3.14159; //constant //literal
double area;
double circum;
area = pi * RADIUS * RADIUS;
circum = 2 * pi * RADIUS;
An operator has:
- Function
What it does?
Example: + , -, *, / or others
- Precedence
In which order it will execute
Example: “a * b + c * d”
will be executed as : “(a * b) + (c * d)”
because multiply (*) has a higher precedence than addition (+)
- Associativity
Order In which the operators of the same precedence combined?
Example: “a – b – c”
will be executed in the order “(a – b) – c”
because add/sub associate left-to-right
Assignment Operator
- l-value equals to r-value
x = x + 5;
Evaluate right-hand side (x + 5 ) called r-value
Set l-value ( of left-hand side variable) to r-value.
- All expressions evaluate to a value with the assignment operator
Example: y = x = 5;
the result is the value assigned
- Assignment is associated from right to left.
y = x = 5;
y gets the value 5,
because (x = 5) evaluates to the value 5
Arithmetic Operators
Symbol Operation Example Association
- * multiply x * y Left to Right
- / divide x / y Left to Right
- % modulo x % y Left to Right
- + addition x + y Left to Right
- – subtraction x – y Left to Right
* / % have same precedence
whichever comes from left to right
have higher precedence than + –
+ – have same precedence
whichever comes from left to right
have lower precedence than + –
- Addition, subtraction, and multiplication work as you would expect.
- Division (/) returns the whole part of the division (the quotient)
12 / 3 = 4 15 / 2 = 7
- Modulus (%) returns the remainder
12 % 3 = 0 15 % 2 = 1
- Example of precedence
2 + 3 * 4 equals 14
where as (2 + 3) * 4 equals 20
Arithmetic Expressions
- If mixed types, smaller type is “promoted” to larger
Example: x + 4.3
if x is int, converted to double and result is double
- Integer division — fraction is dropped
Example: x / 3
if x is int and x=5, result is 1 (not 1.666666…)
- Parentheses ( ) can be used to force a different order of evaluation:
12 – 5 * 2 = 2
But (12 – 5) * 2 = 14
Arithmetic Operator Precedence
- Precedence rules specify the order in which operators are evaluated
- Associativity determines from Left-to- Right order
- Remember for arithmetic operators precedence
Parentheses, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
Bitwise Operators
~ bitwise NOT ~x
<< shift left x << y
>> shift right x >> y
& bitwise AND x & y
^ bitwise XOR x ^ y
| bitwise OR x | y
Will be taught in future
Logical Operators
Symbol Operation Example Association
! Logical NOT !x Right to Left
&& logical AND x && y Right to Left
|| logical OR x || y Right to Left
Treats entire variable (or value) as:
TRUE (non-zero), or FALSE (zero)
Result is 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE)
Relational Operators
Symbol Operation Example Association
> greater than x > y R-to-L
>= greater than or equal x >= y R-to-L
< less than x < y R-to-L
<= less than or equal x <= y R-to-L
== equal x == y R-to-L
!= not equal x != y R-to-L
Result is 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE)
Assignment ( =) vs. Equality ( ==)
Be Careful using equality (==) and assignment (=) operators:
int x = 5;
int y = 7;
if (x == y) {
printf(“ will not be printed\n”);
if (x = y) {
printf(“x = %d y = %d”, x, y);
Result: “x = 7 y = 7” is printed.
Special Operators: ++ and —
Increment and decrement the value of variable before or after its value is used in an expression.
Symbol Example Operation
++ x++ Increment after (Post increment)
— x– decrement after (Post decrement)
++ ++x Increment before (Pre increment)
— –x decrement before (Pre decrement)
Examples Using ++ and —
int x = 4;
y = x++;
printf ( “X = %d \t “Y = %d “, x, y )
will print X = 5 Y = 4
as x is incremented after assignment operation.
x = 4;
y = ++x;
printf ( “X = %d \t “Y = %d “, x, y )
will print X = 5 Y = 5
as x is incremented before assignment operation.
Special Operators: +=, *=, etc.
Arithmetic operators and bitwise operators can be combined with assignment operator
Equivalent assignment statement:
x += y; Equivalent to x = x + y;
x -= y; Equivalent to x = x – y;
x *= y; Equivalent to x = x * y;
x /= y; Equivalent to x = x / y;
x %= y; Equivalent to x = x % y;
x &= y; Equivalent to x = x & y;
x |= y; Equivalent to x = x | y;
x ^= y; Equivalent to x = x ^ y;
x <<= y; Equivalent to x = x << y;
x >>= y; Equivalent to x = x >> y;
Special Operator: Conditional
Symbol Operation Example
?: conditional x?y:z
Explanation: x ? y : z
If x is non-zero,(true) then result of expression is y
If x is zero, (false) then result of expression is z
Practice Quiz
Question -1: Solve the following expressions
a). 3 – 8 / 4 b). 3 * 4 + 18 / 2
- / has the highest precedence, so we
compute 8 / 4 first, then subtract the result
from 3 the answer is 1
- 3 * 4 + 18 / 2
12 + 9
The answer is 21
Question – 2: If a=2, b=4, c=6, d=8, then what will be the result of the following expression?
x = a * b + c * d / 4;
Will be solved as:
x = (a * b) + ((c * d) / 4);
x = ( 2 * 4) + ((6 * 8) / 4);
x = ( 8 ) + (12 )
x = 20
Question – 3: Put the parentheses in the order of execution of the following expression.
5 – 3 + 4 + 2 – 1 + 7
- + and – have equal precedence, so this
expression is evaluated left to right:
(((((5 – 3) + 4) + 2) – 1) + 7)
- Innermost parentheses are evaluated first