Macronutrients: Functions; Deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms (Lecture 15)
B. Phosphorus (P):
1) Soil Relations
– Mineral apatite [Ca5F(PO4)3]
– Relatively stable in soil
– Has a low mobility
2) Plant Functions
#Component of nucleic acid (DNA, RNA), phospholipids, coenzymes, high-energy phosphate bonds (ADP, ATP)
#Seeds are high in P
#Stimulates early growth and root formation
#Hastens maturity
#Promotes seed production and makes plants hardy.
Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals, usually referring to hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite and chlorapatite, with high concentrations of OH−, F−and Cl− ions, respectively, in the crystal.
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
P is mobile in plant tissues (Deficiency occurs in
older leaves)
vdark, purplish color on older leaves
vSmall root growth,
vSpindly stalk,
vDelayed maturity,
vDying of tips of older leaves
vPoor fruit and seed development
Excess P:
causes deficiency symptoms of Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn
4) Fertilizers
– Superphosphates
Single superphosphate (8.6% P)
Triple superphosphate (20% P):
– Ammonium phosphate: (NH4)2PO4, NH4HPO4
– Bone meal
– Available forms: PO43-, HPO42-, H2PO4-
P absorption influenced by pH
C. Potassium (K):
1) Soil Relations
– Present in large amounts in mineral soil
– Low in organic soils
2) Plant Functions
– Activator of many enzymes
– Regulation of water movement across membranes and through stomata (Guard cell functions)
– Improves plant’s ability to resist disease and cold,
– aids in the production of carbohydrates.
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
– Leaf margin necrosis and browning
– Older leaves are more affected
– Slow growth,
– Margins on leaves develop a scorched effect
starting on the older leaves,
– Weak stalk,
– Shriveled seed or fruit.
Toxicity: Leaf tip and marginal necrosis
4) Fertilizers
– Potassium chloride (KCl)
– Potassium sulfate (K2SO4)
– Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
D. Magnesium (Mg)
1) Soil Relations
– Present in soil as an exchangeable cation (Mg2+)
– Similar to Ca2+ as a cation
2) Plant Functions
– Core component of chlorophyll molecule
– Catalyst for certain enzyme activity
– aids in the translocation of starch within the plant,
– essential for formation of oils and fats
Effects of Mg deficiency on photosystems:
Visual symptoms: Brown spottings and necroses appear when deficiency is severe or under high light intensity.
- The behavior of PSII and PSI was assessed using direct and modulated fluorescence measurement.
- An early effect of Mg deficiency on PSI oxidation rate could be identified before any decrease in the rate of PSII electron transport or any chlorophyll degradation in sugar beet leaves.
- Simultaneously, sucrose accumulates in source leaves upon Mg deficiency as an early response.
- High sucrose levels are known to down-regulate the chloroplast electron chain transport.
- The delay of photosynthesis regulation in Mg-deficient plants may provoke an unbalance between light and dark reactions, so inducing oxidative stress and further leading to necrogenesis on leaves.
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
– Deficiency:
vInterveinal chlorosis on mature leaves
vleaves abnormally thin
vtissue may dry and die
vleaves have tendency to curve upward
(Mg is highly mobile)
– Excess: Causes deficiency symptoms of Ca, K
4) Fertilizers
– Dolomite (mixture of
– Epsom salt (MgSO4)
– Magnesium nitrate [Mg(NO3)2]
– Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
E. Calcium (Ca):
1) Soil Relations
– Present in large quantities in earth’s surface (~1% in top soils)
– Influences availability of other ions from soil
2) Plant Functions
– essential to healthy cell walls and root structure.
– Involved in cell membrane function
– Aids in the movement of carbohydrates in plants
– Largely present as calcium pectate in middle lamella
Calcium pectate is immobile in plant tissues which give stability to plant cell walls.
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
– Deficiency symptoms in young leaves and new shoots (Ca is immobile)
- Stunted growth,
- Leaf distortion,
- Margins of younger leaves scalloped
- Necrotic spots,
- Shoot tip death
- Blossom-end rot in tomato
- Blossoms shed prematurely
- Weak stalk or stem structure.
- Terminal bud dies under severe deficiency
– No Ca toxicity symptoms have been observed
4) Fertilizers
– Agricultural meal (finely ground CaCO3·MgCO3)
– Lime (CaCO3), Gypsum (CaSO4)
– Superphosphate
– Bone meal
-organic P source
F. Sulfur (S):
1) Soil Relations
– Present in mineral pyrite (FeS2), sulfides (S-mineral complex), sulfates (involving SO4-2)
– Mostly contained in organic matter
– Acid rain provides sulfur
2) Plant Functions
– Aids in the formation of oils and parts of protein
– Component of amino acids (methionine, cysteine)
– Constituent of coenzymes and vitamins
– Responsible for pungency and flavor (onion, garlic, mustard)
3) Deficiency and Toxicity
– Deficiency:
- light green or yellowing on new growth
- (S is immobile)
- In some plants older tissue may be affected also
- Small spindly plants
- retarded growth
- delayed maturity.
- Interveinal chlorosis on corn leaves
– Toxicity: not commonly seen
4) Fertilizers
– Gypsum (CaSO4)
– Magnesium sulfate
– Ammonium sulfate
– Elemental sulfur (S)