Defining classes and objects in JAVA
Data Abstraction
Abstraction is the process of recognizing and focusing on important characteristics of a situation or object and leaving/filtering out the un-wanted characteristics of that situation or object. For example a person will be viewed differently by a doctor and an employer.
A doctor sees the person as patient. Thus he is interested in name, height, weight, age, blood group, previous or existing diseases etc of a person.
An employer sees a person as an employee. Therefore, employer is interested in name, age, health, degree of study, work experience etc of a person.
Class and Object:
The fundamental idea behind object-oriented languages is to combine into a single unit both data and the functions that operate on that data. Such a unit is called an object. A class serves as a plan, or blueprint. It specifies what data and what functions will be included in objects of that class. An object is often called an ―instance‖ of a class.
Instance Variables and Methods:
Instance variables represent the characteristics of the object and methods represent the behavior of the object. For example length & width are the instance variables of class Rectangle and Calculatearea() is a method.
Instance variables and methods belong to some class, and are defined inside the class to which they belong.
public class Class_Name
Instance_Variable_Declaration_1 Instance_Variable_Declaration_2
. . .
Method_Definition_1 Method_Definition_2
. . .
It is a special function that is automatically executed when an object of that class is created. It has no return type and has the same name as that of the class. It is normally defined in classes to initialize data members. A constructor with no parameters is called a no-argument constructor. A constructor may contain arguments which can be used for initiation of data members.
class_name( )
Public class_name()
Public class_name(type var1, type var2)
If your class definition contains absolutely no constructor definitions, then Java will automatically create a no-argument constructor. If your class definition contains one or more constructor definitions, then Java does not automatically generate any constructor; in this case, what you define is what you get. Most of the classes you define should include a definition of a no-argument constructor.
Lab Activities:
Activity 1:
The following example shows the declaration of class Rectangle. It has two data members that represent the length and width of rectangle. The method calculateArea will return the area of rectangle. The runner class will create an object of Rectangle class and area function will be called.
public class Rectangle
Public int length, width;
Public int Calculatearea ()
return (length*width);
Public class runner
Public static void mian ()
Rectangle rect = new Reactangle(); rect.length= 10;
rect.width = 5; System.out.println(rect.Calculatearea ( ));
Activity 2:
The following example demonstrates the use of constructors
public class Rectangle
Public int length, width;
public Rectangle()
length = 5; width = 2;
public Rectangle(int l, int w)
length = l; width = w;
Public intCalculatearea ()
return (length*width);
Public class runner
Public static void main ()
Rectangle rect = new Reactangle(); System.out.println(rect.calculateArea( ));
Rectangle rect = new Reactangle(10,20); System.out.println(rect. calculateArea ( ));
Activity 3:
The following example shows the declaration of class Point. It has two data members that represent the x and y coordinate. Create two constructors and a function to move the point. The runner class will create an object of Point class and move function will be called.
public class Point{
private int x; private int y; public Point(){ x=1;
public Point(int a, int b){ x=a;
public void setX(int a){ x=a;
public void setY(int b){ y=b;
public void display(){
System.out.println(“x coordinate = “+x+” y coordinate = “+y);
public void movePoint(int a , int b){ x=x+a;
System.out.println(“x coordinate after moving = “+x+” y coordinate after moving = “+y);
Public class runner
Public static void main ()
Point p1 = new Point(); P1.move(2,3);
Point p2 = new Point(); p2.move(2,3);
Home Activities:
Activity 1:
Create a class circle class with radius as data member. Create two constructors (no argument, and two arguments) and a method to calculate Circumference.
Activity 2:
Create a class Account class with balance as data member. Create two constructors (no argument, and two arguments) and methods to withdraw and deposit balance.
Activity 3:
Create a class ―Distance‖ with two constructors (no argument, and two argument), two data members (feet and inches). Also create display function which displays all data members.
Assignment 1:
Write a class Marks with three data members to store three marks. Create two constructors and a method to calculate and return the sum.
Assignment 2:
Write a class Time with three data members to store hr, min and seconds. Create two constructors and apply checks to set valid time. Also create display function which displays all data members.