Controlling access to class members – Encapsulation
Information hiding means that you separate the description of how to use a class from the implementation details, such as how the class methods are defined. The programmer who uses the class can consider the implementation details as hidden, since he or she does not need to look at them. Information hiding is a way of avoiding information overloading. It keeps the information needed by a programmer using the class within reasonable bounds. Another term for information hiding is abstraction.
Encapsulation means grouping software into a unit in such a way that it is easy to use because there is a well-defined simple interface. So, encapsulation and information hiding are two sides of the same coin.
Access Modifiers:
Java allows you to control access to classes, methods, and fields via access modifiers. The access to classes, constructors, methods and fields are regulated using access modifiers i.e. a class can control what information or data can be accessible by other classes. To take advantage of encapsulation, you should minimize access whenever possible.
classclass_name { access_specifie type member1; access_specifie type member1;
The following table describes the access modifiers provided by JAVA.
Modifier | Description |
(no modifier) | member is accessible within its package only |
Public | member is accessible from any class of any package |
Protected | member is accessible in its class package and by its subclasses |
Private | member is accessible only from its class |
The accessibility rules are depicted in the following table
Protection | Accessed inside Class | Accessed in subclass | Accessed in any Class |
Private | Yes | No | No |
Protected | Yes | Yes | No |
Public | Yes | Yes | yes |
Accessors and Mutators:
We should always make all instance variables in a class private and should define public methods to provide access to these members. Accessor methods allow you to obtain the data. For example, the method getMonth() returns the number of the month. Mutator methods allow you to change the data in a class object.
Lab Activities:
Activity 1:
The following example shows the declaration of class Circle. It has one data members radius. The data member is declared private and access is provided by declaring set and get methods.
public class Circle
Private int radius; public Circle()
public Circle(int r)
public void setRadius(int r)
Public int getRadius(){
return radius;
public void display()
System.out.println(“radius = “+radius);
public void CalculateCircumfrance(){ double a=3.14*radius*radius; System.out.println(“Circumfrance = “+a);
Public class Runner
Public static void main ()
Circle c = new Circle(); c1.setRadius(5);
System.out.println(―circumference of Circle 1 is ― + c1.area( )); Int r = c1.getRadius();
Circle c2 = new Circle(r); c2.setRadius(5);
System.out.println(―circumference of Circle 2 is ― + c2.area( ));
Activity 2:
The following example shows the declaration of class Rectangle. It has two data members that represent the length and width of rectangle. Both data member are declared private and access is provided by declaring set and get methods for both data members.
public class Rectangle
Private int length, width; public Rectangle()
length = 5; width = 2;
public Rectangle(int l, int w)
length = l; width = w;
public void setLength(int l) //sets the value of length
length = l;
public void setWidth(int w) //sets the value of width
width = w;
public void getLength() //gets the value of length
return length;
public void getWidth() //gets the value of width
return width;
Public int area ()
return (length*width);
Public class Runner
Public static void main ()
Rectangle rect = new Reactangle(); Rect.setLength(5); Rect.setWidth(10);
System.out.println(―Area of Rectangle is ― + rect.area( )); System.out.println(―width of Rectangle is ― + rect.getWidth( ));
Activity 3:
The following example shows the declaration of class Point. It has two data members that represent the x and y coordinate of a point. Both data member are declared private and access is provided by declaring set and get methods for both data members.
public class Point{
private int x; private int y;
public Point(){ x=0;
public Point(int a, int b){ x=a;
public void setX(int a){ x=a;
public void setY(int b){ y=b;
Public int getX(){ return x;
Public int getY(){ return y;
public void display(){
System.out.println(“x coordinate = “+x+” y coordinate = “+y);
public void movePoint(int a , int b){ x=x+a;
System.out.println(“x coordinate after moving = “+x+” y coordinate after moving = “+y);
Public class runner
Public static void main ()
Point p1 = new Point(); P1.setX(10);
Point p2 = new Point(10,11); p2.move(2,3);
Home Activities:
Activity 1:
Create an Encapsulated class Marks with three data members to store three marks. Create set and get methods for all data members. Test the class in runner
Activity 2:
Create an Encapsulated class Account class with balance as data member. Create two constructors and methods to withdraw and deposit balance. In the runner create two accounts. The second account should be created with the same balance as first account. (hint: use get function )
Activity 3:
Create an Encapsulated class Student with following characteristics: Data Members:
String Name
Int [] Result_array[5] // Result array contains the marks for 5 subjects
Student ( String, int[]) // argument Constructor
Average () // it calculates and returns the average based on the marks in the array.
Create two objects of type Student and call the Average method.
Compare the Average of both Students and display which student has higher average. Create a third student with name as object 1 and result array as object 2
Suppose you operate several hot dog stands distributed throughout town. Define an Encapsulated class named HotDogStand that has an instance variable for the hot dog stand’s ID number and an instance variable for how many hot dogs the stand has sold that day.
Create a constructor that allows a user of the class to initialize both values. Also create a method named justSold that increments by one the number of hot dogs the stand has sold. The idea is that this method will be invoked each time the stand sells a hot dog so that you can track the total number of hot dogs sold by the stand.
Write a main method to test your class with at least three hot dog stands that each sell a variety of hot dogs. Use get function to display the hot dogs sold for each object.